Monday, March 5, 2012

¿como se dice... "nerd" en español?

so, if you know me well.. you know i'm a nerd when it comes to spanish. i took these pictures of my in class essays to remember my common mistakes (these pictures were taken before they were corrected, for those of you who are spanish speakers). either way.. i always seem to be picked to write on the board. joder.. i'll loosely translate what i wrote about. 

this one is about a story Manolo acted out with tape and pieces of chalk (hilarious) where there was an evil person who tried to blow up a bus of school children, but ended up blowing himself up.
this one.. Manolo asked us to write about our first romantic kiss. i chose to say i've never had one! but that i hope when i do, he is tall, dark, and handsome. hehehe

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