Sunday, February 26, 2012


this past weekend me and a small group from my program went to Salamanca, Spain! i have a friend who i've taken a few spanish classes with at state named Allegra who is studying there and my friend Sarah does too.. so we decided to take a weekend trip. they were great tour guides and it was also awesome to see some familiar faces and do some more exploring. Salamanca is located a little more centrally.. closer to Madrid. it was a long bus ride, but well worth the trip, or 'vale la pena'.. one of my favorite spanish sayings. we had a great time and really enjoyed people watching and discussing how different everything was from the landscape to the style of clothing/hair, etc. there were a lot of dreads and alll of the girls wore tights with jean shorts. there is also a lot more english spoken there because it's known as a huge 'college' or really 'study abroad' town. the boys were also more attractive... hehe. but all things considered i'm definitely glad i live in Santander. i gained a lot of respect for how clean and conservative our precious little town is! i feel a lot safer here as well, but probably just because i've been here for almost a month now.. how crazy! this week our schedule changes, yet again. i'll be in school from 9-1 mondays & wednesdays and 9-12 on tuesdays & thursdays, with fridays off! we also have an excursion to Bilbao on friday. photos of Salamanca to come. un beso! xo. meg

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